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I am Xamur and I'm from Germany. And before you're asking, no, it's not my real name.
I like to program or create something special for my own or for the whole community!

I started working with Unity because I was interested in creating my own (big) games. After some time when I understood the interface of Unity and how everything works I decided to start with my first game.

My biggest mistake was that I wanted to create a big game as my first project, what absolutely did not work.
I gave up early and for a half year I stopped opening Unity again. But one day I saw a video of a new game which was made with Unity and I was like "Hey, this could be you. You want to have the same result with your creation!", so I started Unity on my PC, watched a lot of Videos and made it pretty well.

But I never published any game, not even one game which was almost finished or pretty cool for a release because I thought and also think today: "That's not what you should do or want.".

You may think now "So what the hell you want!?". I can tell you the answer.
I have discovered the Unity Asset Store for myself. For me it's like an online shop, where you can buy what you want or need, include it to your own creations or just buy it for other reasons and you can save a lot of hours of work so easily with it and that's unbelievable!

Now I'm here, a small raindrop in a rainstorm, who wants to be someone. I hope I can help you with my Assets I will create in the future and hopefully can save a lot of hours of your life.

- Xamur




2D Character Creator

Medieval Buildings Pack




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